Country Results

The MBS was first implemented in Côte d’Ivoire from September through November 2018 and survey results were released in 2019. Through iterative survey improvements drawing on experiences in several other countries, Côte d’Ivoire fielded a second MBS from October through December 2023. Survey results were analyzed in coordination with the National Malaria Control Program and released in 2024. Both surveys were carried out by the Breakthrough ACTION project in Côte d’Ivoire in collaboration with the National Malaria Control Program, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative, and several other local organizations.

Study Zones

Survey Zones and Respondents (2023)

Individual respondents

Key Behavioral Determinants at a Glance (2023)


of children under five with fever had prompt and appropriate care sought for them the same or next day of fever onset

  • Knowledge: Women with comprehensive knowledge were 1.3 times more likely to seek prompt and appropriate care for a febrile child.

  • Interpersonal communication: Women who had discussed malaria with someone in the previous six months were 1.4 times more likely to seek prompt and appropriate care for a feverish child.

  • Positive attitudes: Women who had a positive toward seeking care were 1.5 times more likely to seek care from community health workers.


of respondents used a mosquito net every night of the week

  • Self-efficacy:  Respondents were 7.3 times more likely to consistently use a net every night if they felt confident in their ability.

  • Positive attitudes: Respondents who reported having a positive attitude towards net use were almost 3 times more likely to sleep under a mosquito net every night.

  • Social norms: Respondents who believed that sleeping under a mosquito net was the norm in their community were 1.3 times more likely to routinely sleep under a net.


of pregnant women received 3 or more doses of IPTp

  • Social norms: 67% and 57% of respondents perceived that at least four ANC visits and the receipt of IPTp were the norm in their community, respectively.

  • Spousal communication: Among respondents living with a partner, 54% reported they had talked about ANC with their partner and 61% were involved in decisions to attend ANC.


Results Brief


Results Brief

Survey Report


Survey Report




MBS datasets can be downloaded from the USAID Development Data Library (DDL). External links are added to this site as datasets are made available.